The Injured Soldier Fund
In wartime, and also in times of peace, there are injured soldiers. The Israel Defense Forces provide excellent medical care as well as necessities for the soldier and his or her family. However, there are always additional needs that vary depending upon the situation, ranging from rehabilitative supplies to the replacement of personal goods lost in the field to emotional support for the soldiers and/or his family.
Since its inception, Yashar LaChayal has been on hand to visit and to provide whatever support and material goods possible to ease the injured soldier’s pain. Whenever a soldier is injured, our Rapid Response Team rushes to visit the hospitalized soldier (or his/her family) to offer whatever assistance we can provide.

You can be there for soldiers when they need you the most. Donate to the Injured Soldier Fund to provide support for Israel’s injured soldiers.
© 2024 All rights reserved. Yashar LaChayal.
Yashar LaChayal is a 501c(3) non-profit public charity
© 2024 ישר לחייל
עמותת ישר לחייל מוכרת לצרכי מס - סעיף 46
התמונות המוצגות להמחשה בלבד
קרדיט צילומים: עמותת ישר לחייל, דובר צה"ל