The Aron Kodesh Campaign

Join the Aron Kodesh Campaign!


An IDF unit’s wearable Aron Kodesh (used for storing a Torah scroll) was damaged in a rocket attack by terrorists in Gaza. We want to raise funds to replace it, as well as to provide other units with a wearable Aron Kodesh, a modern but holy object unique to Israel’s army! 

“My son, my future IDF soldier, is seen here sitting next to the Sefer Torah that was damaged last week from Hamas Rockets from Gaza. This Torah was also taken into Gaza during the Tzuk Eitan war, carried on the backs of Chayalim.

The Aron Kodesh that you see here, sitting on my couch, was donated by the Teaneck Synagogue, Bnai Yeshurun, where my son in the photo had his Brit Milah.
What a connection!

This wearable Aron Kodesh is the only one of its kind in the entire army. The rest are clunky wooden boxes carried on poles. Making this connection to band together to donate more of these portable Aron Kodesh for our brave IDF chayalim, is very personal for me.

This is an incredible privilege and honor and I’m so excited that you’re all excited to be a part of this project too!” – 
Tova Heller
Tova In Israel



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עמותת ישר לחייל מוכרת לצרכי מס - סעיף 46

התמונות המוצגות להמחשה בלבד

קרדיט צילומים: עמותת ישר לחייל, דובר צה"ל