The Warm Corner Project

Yashar LaChayal has opened 41 Warm Corners in different communities throughout Israel!

Warm Corners are shelters for soldiers, set aside at the entrance to communities in dangerous regions. These Warm Corners have kitchens stocked by our amazing volunteers, with food and drinks for the benefit of combat soldiers on patrol in the area. In addition, there are charging stations for phones that may not have been charged in a while due to long periods away from base, a table and chairs, and last but not least, couches for the soldiers to rest and relax on.

The Warm Corners have been an amazing success, one which Yashar LaChayal is very proud of, and we plan on building more!

Why a Warm Corner?

  • To show support for the brave men and women defending Jewish communities in far-flung areas.
  • A community with a Warm Corner in place will draw soldiers to the area, giving residents a greater feeling of security.
  • Additionally, soldiers provided with the food and beverages (especially coffee!) that a Warm Corner has to offer them (all free of charge, of course) will return to their patrol routes rested and refreshed. Whether it is soup and a hot drink in the cold winter, or soda and ice cream in the summer, soldiers in the area know that they can always stop by for a well-deserved break!


Click here to sponsor a Warm Corner in honor or in memory of a loved one!

Each Warm Corner costs approximately $250 a month to keep stocked and maintained. You can help us reach our goal by making a recurring donation to your favorite Warm Corner!


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Donation Total: $36.00 Monthly


Our Warm Corner in Adam was built in 2023, with the generous support of The Helping Israel Fund. The Helping Israel Fund also supports 6 other Warm Corners throughout Israel. The community of Adam was founded in 1984 and has grown to contain a large and diverse community. The Warm Corner is just inside the entrance to Adam, near a major bus station for the region.

Building Sponsor:
The Helping Israel Fund

Monthly Sponsor:
The Helping Israel Fund


Our Warm Corner in Ateret was our first Warm Corner, built in 2015, with the generous support of our friends at Congregation Bnai Yeshurun of Teaneck, New Jersey. The community of Ateret is located in the hills of Samaria, 25 miles north of Jerusalem. On a clear day, the views from Ateret are stunning.

Avnei Chefetz

Our Warm Corner in Avnei Chefetz was built in June 2023, with the generous support of a donor from Connecticut. The community of Avnei Chefetz is located in the Shomron Region and was founded in 1990 by a group of Yeshiva students. It has now grown to be a large observant and open-minded community. The Warm Corner is just inside the entrance to Avnei Chefetz.

Building Sponsor: Private donor from Connecticut
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust

Chavat Gilad

Our Warm Corner at Chavat Gilad is in a very strategic and important location. 

Building Sponsor: Private family donor
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust

Elon Moreh

Our Warm Corner in Elon Moreh has the best view of Samaria. It was built in memory of Avinoam David Cohen, z”l.
Elon Moreh, like many of our other Warm Corners, is in a sensitive region with a history of terror attacks in the area. We hope that soldiers in the region will continue to benefit from this Warm Corner as they work hard to keep us safe.

Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust

Givat Asaf

Our Warm Corner in Givat Asaf was built in memory of Yosef Cohen and Yovel Mor Yosef z”l, who were killed at Givat Asaf Junction in 2018.

There are many soldiers stationed in the area, and this spacious Warm Corner will serve as a place for them to relax and recharge.

Building Sponsor: HIF 2024 Jewish Brotherhood Mission


Our Warm Corner in Halamish was built in the aftermath of a horrific terror attack. During a Shabbat meal celebrating the birth of a grandchild, the Salomon family was attacked by a terrorist. Yosef Salomon, his daughter Chaya and son Elad z”l were all killed in the attack. In response, Yashar LaChayal joined with the East Brunswick Jewish Center to build a new Warm Corner for IDF soldiers protecting the community from future attacks.

Building Sponsor: East Brunswick Jewish Center
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust

Har Bracha

Our Warm Corner in Har Bracha was built in August 2023. The community of Har Bracha is located in the Shomron Region and was founded in 1983. The Warm Corner is just inside the entrance to Har Bracha.

Building Sponsor: Laurie Moskowitz & Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust

Kerem Re'im

Our Warm Corner in Kerem Reim was built in memory of three IDF soldiers Shmuel Weiss, Amichai Merchavia, and Yoni Netanel, who were close friends who fell in the line of duty.
It is sponsored by The Molinari Family in memory of Marcello Molinari z”l.

Building Sponsor: The Molinari Family
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust

Kerem Shalom

Our Warm Corner in Kerem Shalom is located on the Gaza border. It is dedicated in memory of Dr Irving Moskowitz z”l and Staff Sergeant Barel Hadari z”l.

Building Sponsor: The Moskowitz Foundation
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Warm Corner in Leshem serves soldiers in the Shomron. 

Ma'ale Adumim

Our Ma’ale Adumim Warm Corner is conveniently located by the entrance to the city. A major stopping point for IDF soldiers, the Warm Corner is one of our largest yet, and is managed by a group of volunteers (referred to affectionately as “Aunts” by the soldiers) who provide the soldiers with hot food and treats.

Building Sponsor: Private donor family

Massuot Yitzchak

Massuot Yitzchak is located in the Gush Etzion region, in an area where there are many IDF patrols and operations. Our amazing volunteers make the Warm Corner feel like a home away from home for the soldiers.

Monthly Sponsor: Anonymous donors from Long Island

Mitzpe Yericho

Our Warm Corner in Mitzpe Yericho is located in the heart of the Judean desert and we are so excited to have a new Warm Corner in this region!

Building Sponsor: Maschler Family
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


The small town of Negohot is located in the beautiful Hebron Hills. The region is very volatile, and the residents of Negohot need the protection of the IDF soldiers who are regularly patrolling the area. Our Warm Corner in Negohot provides a place where the soldiers keeping these residents safe a comfortable spot where they can refresh themselves. Located right outside the main entrance of the town, the presence of soldiers at our Warm Corner provides the residents with an extra sense of security.

Building Sponsor: The Helping Israel Fund
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Nokdim Warm Corner was built with the support of our friends at the Helping Israel Fund. Avigdor Lieberman, the former Defense Minister, is a resident of Nokdim and attended the opening of the Warm Corner.

Building Sponsor: The Helping Israel Fund
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Warm Corner in Otniel is located near Hebron, and is the location of a well known hesder yeshiva – an institution which combines army service with religious studies. It is greatly appreciated by soldiers in the area.

Building Sponsor: Anonymous donor
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Warm Corner in Psagot was built in memory of Ronen Lubarsky, z”l, a special forces soldier who was murdered by a terrorist during a mission in nearby Ramallah.

Building Sponsor: East Brunswick Jewish Center, New Jersey
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Warm Corner in Susya was built in memory of Lev Raphael Hirsch z”l. It is a very popular spot with soldiers in the area. Susya is the site of an ancient Jewish village in the southern Judaean Mountains of Judea and Samaria.

Building Sponsor: Private donor in memory of Lev Raphael Hirsch z”l
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Warm Corner in beautiful Tekoa is surrounded by a strong community. Tekoa was originally founded as a military outpost, but is now a large town sitting at the foot of major archaeological digs and the ruins of Herod’s palace of Herodion.

Building Sponsor: Private donor
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Warm Corner in Anatot is sponsored monthly by Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust.


Our Warm Corner in Avivim is located at the Lebanon border. 

Building Sponsor: The Shmulewitz Family
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Warm Corner in Carmel is in a strategic location in the south Hebron hills and is very popular with the soldiers in the area.

Building Sponsor: Private donor
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust



Einav is one of our northernmost Warm Corner, and has a beautiful view of Samaria. The community of Einav was founded in 1981 and is blessed with beautiful views all around. The Warm Corner is named in memory of Major Itamar Elharar.

Building Sponsor: East Brunswick Jewish Center
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Warm Corner in Gvaot is located in the Gush Etzion region. It is dedicated in memory of Edi Golish z”l.

 Building Sponsor: Helping Israel Fund
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Warm Corner in Halutza was our first Warm Corner near the Gaza border. 

Building Sponsor: Helping Israel Fund
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Hermesh is located in the Binyamin region, In an area where there are many IDF patrols and operations.

Building Sponsor: In loving memory of Sandra Schwartz
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Warm Corner in Itamar is in a very strategic and important location. The Pina is specifically located in the same spot where in 2011 a terrorist broke into the community of Itamar and brutally killed the Fogel family. 

Building Sponsor: Mizrachi Religious Zionists of Chicago
Monthly Sponsor: Mizrachi Religious Zionists of Chicago

Kiryat Arba

Our Kiryat Arba Warm Corner is strategically located just outside Kiryat Arba and Hebron. A major stopping point for IDF soldiers, the Warm Corner is our largest yet, and is managed by a group of volunteers (referred to affectionately as “Aunts” by the soldiers) who provide the soldiers with hot food.

Building Sponsor: Private donor family
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust

Ma'ale Chever

Our Warm Corner in Ma’ale Chever has an amazing view from the beautiful hills south of Hebron. It was sponsored by our friends at Young Israel of Holliswood.

Building Sponsor: Young Israel of Holliswood, New York
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Mehola is one of our northernmost Warm Corners, located in the Jordan Valley, in an area where there are many IDF patrols and operations. Our amazing volunteer makes the Warm Corner feel like a home away from home for the soldiers. This Warm Corner was generously donated by the Jewish Community of Lawrence-Cedarhurst, in conjunction with The One Israel Fund.

Building Sponsor: Jewish Community of Lawrence-Cedarhurst
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Warm Corner in Migron is located at a strategic junction in the Binyamin region. It was sponsored by our friends at Young Israel Holliswood, New York.

Building Sponsor: Young Israel of Holliswood, New York
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Mevo Dotan

Our Warm Corner in Mevo Dotan is the closest town to Jenin and has become a hub for special forces in the area. The Warm Corner was built in memory of Raymond Sasson z”l and Arnold Pelofsky z”l.

Building Sponsor: East Brunswick Jewish Community
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Warm Corner in Na’aleh is located nearby to the city of Modiin. Na’aleh was established in 1988 by a group of employees of Israel Aerospace Industries, and has a population of over 1,800. Our Na’aleh Warm Corner is in a beautiful area, and was built in memory of Yigal Hirsch z”l.

Building Sponsor: Private donor in memory of Yigal Hirsch z”l
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust

Nofei Nechemia

Our Warm Corner in Nofei Nechemia was built in memory of Itamar Elharar, an IDF officer who was killed in action, and is located in the Shomron region.

Building Sponsor: The Helping Israel Fund
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Warm Corner in Ofra is named after Pini Cohen z”l, a resident of Ofra who was killed during operational activity in the Gush Katif region. It is dedicated in memory of Dr. Michael Goldstein z”l.

Building Sponsor: Private donor family
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


Our Warm Corner in Ovnat was built in memory of Nimrod Cohen, an IDF soldier who was killed in the Second Lebanon War, and is located in the Dead Sea region. It is sponsored by the Gold, Engelhardt & Najjar families in memory of their parents.

Building Sponsor: Gold, Engelhardt & Najjar Families
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


On October 7, after Hamas terrorists infiltrated Sderot, the Warm Corner was the site of intense battles. Local residents ran and hid in the Warm Corner, and the structure was damaged in the attacks. Yashar LaChayal sponsored the renovation and reopening of the Warm Corner, and it will now continue to serve as a well-deserved rest stop for soldiers protecting Sderot.


Our Warm Corner in Shtula is located on the Lebanese border. 

Building Sponsor: Helping Israel Fund
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust

Tapuach Junction

Our Warm Corner at Tapuach Junction is located at one of the major traffic junctions in Judea and Samaria.

Building Sponsor: East Brunswick Jewish Community, and the Shmulewitz family
Monthly Sponsor: Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust


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Yashar LaChayal is a 501c(3) non-profit public charity

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עמותת ישר לחייל מוכרת לצרכי מס - סעיף 46

התמונות המוצגות להמחשה בלבד

קרדיט צילומים: עמותת ישר לחייל, דובר צה"ל