Board of Directors

US Directors

Jack Silverman, President

Jack Silverman resides in East Brunswick, New Jersey, with his wife Terri. He is an active member of the East Brunswick Jewish Center, where he is the Gabbai, and the co-founder of the East Brunswick Jewish Center Mitzvah Corps, which actively supports Yashar LaChayal.  He is a Senior Manager of Klauber Brothers, Inc.

Matthew H. Maschler

Matthew H. Maschler is an attorney residing in Boca Raton, Florida, with his wife and two children.  He is a graduate of the University of Maryland and Touro Law School. Matthew serves as General Counsel to Castle Financial, LLC,and is the Manager of the Maschler Family Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on diverse domestic issues and international relief efforts.

Dr. Ken Bendik

Ken Bendick is a dentist in California, and an ardent supporter of Israel and the IDF.

Sheldon Goldman

Sheldon Goldman has 30+ years of experience in complex, cross border transactions, including mergers, acquisitions, and restructurings in the United States, Europe and South America. Mr. Goldman provides financial and capital markets advisory services in connection with these transactions and general capital raising efforts.

Laurie Moskowitz Hirsch

Laurie Moskowitz Hirsch is a resident of Aventura, Florida, where she is very active in communal affairs. She has volunteered for the Jewish Community Services of South Florida and the Circle of Life Food Bank, and is a Board member of the Southeast Region American Friends of Bar Ilan University. 

Yaakov Seligman

Yaakov Seligman is a former Lone Soldier in the Israel Defense Forces and an ardent supporter of Israel. He graduated FAU with Honors, and finished medical school becoming a mohel.

Adam Klazmer

Adam Klazmer enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces after graduating from Babson College in 2010.  Assigned to the Nachal Infantry Brigade’s 50th Battalion, Adam served in the West Bank and on the border with Gaza.  He felt that the biggest impact could be made through Yashar LaChayal.  Adam is currently a financial advisor with Rubin Goldman and Associates in his hometown of Philadelphia.

Rich Legum, Past President

Rich Legum is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the City College of New York. In addition to having served as an infantry officer and platoon leader in the United States Army, he is the father of a former Lone Soldier who served in Paratroopers Unit 202 for three years.

Jack Silverman, President

Jack Silverman resides in East Brunswick, New Jersey, with his wife Terri. He is an active member of the East Brunswick Jewish Center, where he is the Gabbai, and the co-founder of the East Brunswick Jewish Center Mitzvah Corps, which actively supports Yashar LaChayal.  He is a Senior Manager of Klauber Brothers, Inc.

Dr. Ken Bendik

Dr. Ken Bendik is a dentist in California, and an ardent supporter of Israel and the IDF.

Laurie Moskowitz Hirsch

Laurie Moskowitz Hirsch is a resident of Aventura, Florida, where she is very active in communal affairs.She has volunteered for the Jewish Community Services of South Florida and the Circle of Life Food Bank, and is a Board member of the Southeast Region American Friends of Bar Ilan University. 

Adam Klazmer

Adam Klazmer enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces after graduating from Babson College in 2010.  Assigned to the Nachal Infantry Brigade’s 50th Battalion, Adam served in the West Bank and on the border with Gaza.  He felt that the biggest impact could be made through Yashar LaChayal.  Adam is currently a financial advisor with RubinGoldman and Associates in his hometown of Philadelphia.

Matthew H. Maschler

Matthew H. Maschler is an attorney residing in Boca Raton, Florida, with his wife and two children.  He is a graduate of the University of Maryland and Touro Law School. Matthew serves as General Counsel to Castle Financial, LLC,and is the Manager of the Maschler Family Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on diverse domestic issues and international relief efforts.

Sheldon Goldman

Sheldon Goldman has 30+ years of experience in complex, cross border transactions, including mergers, acquisitions, and restructurings in the United States, Europe and South America. Mr. Goldman provides financial and capital markets advisory services in connection with these transactions and general capital raising efforts.

Yaakov Seligman

Yaakov Seligman is a former Lone Soldier in the Israel Defense Forces and an ardent supporter of Israel. He graduated FAU with Honors, and finished medical school becoming a mohel.

Rich Legum, Past President

Rich Legum is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the City College of New York. In addition to having served as an infantry officer and platoon leader in the United States Army, he is the father of a former Lone Soldier who served in Paratroopers Unit 202 for three years.

Israel Directors

Chaim Baldesare

Chaim Baldesare made aliyah from New Jersey in 1983. He has six children, four of whom have completed their IDF service. Chaim served as a medic in the IDF, and went on to do reserve duty for twelve years. He currently runs a plumbing company in Maaleh Adumim.

Shlomo Loshinsky

Shlomo Loshinsky made aliyah from New York in 1983. He is a graduate of Brooklyn College, with a master’s degree in International Relations, and is a partner at Global Gourmet Products in Netanya.

Eitan Horwitz

Eitan Horwitz made Aliyah from St. Paul, Minnesota in 1977 at the age of 17 and served 4 years in an IDF combat unit as a Lone Soldier. He has a degree in Computer Science and has worked in the hi-tech field for over 30 years.

Adv. Arie Zuckerman

Arie is the President of North Atlantic Potash Inc, and Vice President of JSC Acron. He is also the Director General of the European Jewish Fund and a senior Executive in the European Jewish Congress,and a senior Advisor to the Chairman of Yad Vashem. He received his LL.B and LL.M from the Hebrew University and served in the past in different positions in the Prime Ministers office of Israel.

Abigail Klein Leichman

Abigail Klein Leichman is a writer and associate editor at, and also freelances for publications including the Jerusalem Post and the Jewish Standard (New Jersey). She and her husband made aliyah in 2007. Their three children include a son and daughter who are IDF veterans, and a son living in New York City.

Valerie Emergui

Valerie Emergui made Aliyah from Montreal in 2009. She has 5 children one of whom has completed his army service and another presently serving in Magav. She is a math and English teacher and the English coordinator in a middle school in Maale Adumim where she resides with her family. She is currently enrolled in a Masters in Educational counseling at Bar Ilan University.

Ruthie Lieberman

Ruthie Lieberman is an Israeli-based political consultant and licensed tour guide, combining her love of Israel with political acumen to better Israel’s standing both at home and in the eyes of the world. She has consulted for political leaders in Jerusalem and in Washington, from work on election campaigns to public advocacy and events.

Chaim Baldesare

Chaim Baldesare made aliyah from New Jersey in 1983. He has six children, four of whom have completed their IDF service. Chaim served as a medic in the IDF, and went on to do reserve duty for twelve years. He currently runs a plumbing company in Maaleh Adumim.

Eitan Horwitz

Eitan made Aliyah from St. Paul, Minnesota in 1977 at the age of 17 and served 4 years in an IDF combat unit as a Lone Soldier. He has a degree in Computer Science and has worked in the hi-tech field for over 30 years. Eitan lives in Maaleh Adumim and serves as a volunteer in the Israel Police with the rank of Chief Inspector.  Eitan and Tali’s children have also proudly served in the IDF in regular and reserve duty. Their daughter is currently serving with the 202 Battalion of the Paratroop Brigade.

Abigail Klein Leichman

Abigail a writer and associate editor at, and also freelances for publications including the Jerusalem Post and the Jewish Standard (New Jersey). She and her husband made aliyah in 2007. Their three children include a son and daughter who are IDF veterans, and a son living in New York City.

Ruthie Lieberman

Ruthie is an Israeli-based political consultant and licensed tour guide, combining her love of Israel with political acumen to better Israel’s standing both at home and in the eyes of the world. She has consulted for political leaders in Jerusalem and in Washington, from work on election campaigns to public advocacy and events.

Shlomo Loshinsky

Shlomo Loshinsky made aliyah from New York in 1983.  He is a graduate of Brooklyn College, with a master’s degree in International Relations, and is a partner at Global Gourmet Products in Netanya.  He has four children, including a son who served in an IDF Intelligence Unit and a son currently serving in the armored corps, and five grandchildren.

Adv. Arie Zuckerman

Arie is the President of North Atlantic Potash Inc, and Vice President of JSC Acron. He is also the Director General of the European Jewish Fund and a senior Executive in the European Jewish Congress,and a senior Advisor to the Chairman of Yad Vashem. He received his LL.B and LL.M from the Hebrew University and served in the past in different positions in the Prime Ministers office of Israel.

Valerie Emergui

Valerie Emergui made Aliyah from Montreal in 2009. She has 5 children one of whom has completed his army service and another presently serving in Magav. She is a math and English teacher and the English coordinator in a middle school in Maale Adumim where she resides with her family. She is currently enrolled in a Masters in Educational counseling at Bar Ilan University.

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Yashar LaChayal is a 501c(3) non-profit public charity

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עמותת ישר לחייל מוכרת לצרכי מס - סעיף 46

התמונות המוצגות להמחשה בלבד

קרדיט צילומים: עמותת ישר לחייל, דובר צה"ל