Our Recent Achievements Helping IDF Soldiers
Giving Hundreds of Grocery Vouchers to Soldiers in Need Through Out the Army
Every year, Yashar LaChayal packages food for hundreds of such soldiers ahead of Passover. Due to the COVID-19 virus, we are unable to deliver the food packages this year. However, this has not stopped us from doing what we can to help. This year we will be giving out grocery vouchers to as many soldiers in need as we can.
We Gave Out Thousands of Mishloach Manot (Purim snack packs) to Soldiers for Purim!
As you all know, here in Israel and throughout the world, we are all taking the necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of ourselves and of our communities. This Purim we at Yashar LaChayal were able to spread as much Purim joy as we could to soldiers throughout the country. We were able to deliver thousands of Mishloach Manot (Purim snack packs) to thousands of soldiers!
A New Rec Room for the Border Patrol Training Base
Yashar Lachayl donated a brand new rec room for the soldiers in the Border Patrol training base in Michmash to enjoy.
The Grand Opening Of Our Warm Corner In Susya
Yesterday was the grand opening of our new Warm Corner in Susya in memory of Lev Raphael Hirsch z”l.
Chatmar Etzion New Sporting Equipment
Yashar LaChayal donated new sporting equipment for the soldiers in Chatmar Etzion.
Needy Soldier Supply Closet for Chatmar Etzion
Yashar LaChayal brought a large number of toiletries to the Chatmar Etzion training base. Soldiers from needy families will be able to request them from the unit’s social workers when needed.
Needy Soldier Supply Closet for Kfir
Yashar LaChayal brought a large number of toiletries to the Kfir training base. Soldiers from needy families will be able to request them from the unit’s social workers when needed.
Rosh Hashana Food Packages to over 900 Needy Soldiers
Yashar LaChayal donated food packages for Rosh Hashana to over 900 needy soldiers and provided assistance to more than 30 bereaved families.

Giving Hundreds of Grocery Vouchers to Soldiers in Need Through Out the Army
Every year, Yashar LaChayal packages food for hundreds of such soldiers ahead of Passover. Due to the COVID-19 virus, we are unable to deliver the food packages this year. However, this has not stopped us from doing what we can to help. This year we will be giving out grocery vouchers to as many soldiers in need as we can.

We Gave Out Thousands of Mishloach Manot (Purim snack packs) to Soldiers for Purim!
As you all know, here in Israel and throughout the world, we are all taking the necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of ourselves and of our communities. This Purim we at Yashar LaChayal were able to spread as much Purim joy as we could to soldiers throughout the country. We were able to deliver thousands of Mishloach Manot (Purim snack packs) to thousands of soldiers!

A New Rec Room for the Border Patrol Training Base
Yashar Lachayl donated a brand new rec room for the soldiers in the Border Patrol training base in Michmash to enjoy.

The Grand Opening Of Our Warm Corner In Susya
Yesterday was the grand opening of our new Warm Corner in Susya in memory of Lev Raphael Hirsch z”l.

Chatmar Etzion New Sporting Equipment
Yashar LaChayal donated new sporting equipment for the soldiers in Chatmar Etzion.

Needy Soldier Supply Closet for Chatmar Etzion
Yashar LaChayal brought a large number of toiletries to the Chatmar Etzion training base. Soldiers from needy families will be able to request them from the unit’s social workers when needed.

Needy Soldier Supply Closet for Kfir
Yashar LaChayal brought a large number of toiletries to the Kfir training base. Soldiers from needy families will be able to request them from the unit’s social workers when needed.

Rosh Hashana Food Packages to over 900 Needy Soldiers
Yashar LaChayal donated food packages for Rosh Hashana to over 900 needy soldiers and provided assistance to more than 30 bereaved families.
Be a Part of Our Next Achievement!
© 2024 All rights reserved. Yashar LaChayal.
Yashar LaChayal is a 501c(3) non-profit public charity
© 2024 ישר לחייל
עמותת ישר לחייל מוכרת לצרכי מס - סעיף 46
התמונות המוצגות להמחשה בלבד
קרדיט צילומים: עמותת ישר לחייל, דובר צה"ל