על ידי Yashar Webmaster | מאי 6, 2013 | Achievements
Yashar LaChayal donated 200 shirts to the soldiers of Sayeret Nachal during their training – May 2013
על ידי Yashar Webmaster | אפר 8, 2013 | Achievements
Yashar LaChayal distributed jackets to 155 soldiers in Nachal 932 on the Training Base – April 2013
על ידי Yashar Webmaster | אפר 3, 2013 | Achievements
The 120 soldiers of the Mivtzait Unit of Nachal 50 were very happy to receive fleece jackets from Yashar LaChayal – April 2013
על ידי Yashar Webmaster | פבר 26, 2013 | Achievements
500 pairs of gloves were donated to the Nachal Chareidi battalion – February 2013