על ידי Yashar Webmaster | יונ 4, 2013 | Achievements
We were very happy to travel to the Nachal base to distribute water backpacks to the soldiers in the elite Nachal Orev unit. The weather has been extremely hot, and the soldiers were most appreciative – they know the water backpacks will make it easier for them...
על ידי Yashar Webmaster | יונ 2, 2013 | Achievements
Thanks to our friends at Congregation B'nai Yeshurun in Teaneck, New Jersey, the soldiers in Nachal Chareidi are enjoying cold drinks while they are training on their base in the desert, where temperatures are often well over 100 degrees – May 2013
על ידי Yashar Webmaster | מאי 12, 2013 | Achievements
85 water backpacks were distributed to this Nachal 931 unit currently serving in the north, thanks to our friends in Reno, Nevada – May 2013
על ידי Yashar Webmaster | מאי 9, 2013 | Achievements
135 soldiers of Nachal 931 received backpacks, laundry bags, and shower kits from our good friends in Reno, Nevada- Thanks so much! May 2013
על ידי Yashar Webmaster | מאי 6, 2013 | Achievements
The soldiers of Nachal 50 received 400 t-shirts for their “Battalion Sport Day” – May 2013