על ידי Yashar Webmaster | יול 9, 2013 | Achievements
Thanks to our friends in New York 125 soldiers of the March 13 class of the Nachal 932 Battalion received water backpacks – July 2013
על ידי Yashar Webmaster | יונ 16, 2013 | Achievements
The soldiers in the Nachal Chareidi Battalion will make good use of the 110 water backpacks they received, thanks to our friends at B'nai Yeshurun in Teaneck, New Jersey – June, 2013
על ידי Yashar Webmaster | יונ 10, 2013 | Achievements
The soldiers in Nachal Charedi are very motivated and work very hard. Our friends at the East Brunswick Jewish Center showed their appreciation by donating 200 water backpacks to the battalion. Kol Hakavod. One of Yashar LaChayal's board members joined us for the...
על ידי Yashar Webmaster | יונ 10, 2013 | Achievements
Thanks to the East Brunswick Jewish Center for their generous donation of 110 water backpacks to the soldiers in Nachal Orev. The soldiers are training in the heat in southern Israel, and these water backpacks are greatly appreciated – June 2013
על ידי Yashar Webmaster | יונ 4, 2013 | Achievements
Yashar LaChayal donated haircutting equipment to the Nachal base, benefiting hundreds of soldiers. This equipment is greatly appreciated by the soldiers, since it alleviates the cost of frequent haircuts – June 2013.